Thursday, February 20, 2014

Proposal #27: Allow Multi-Year Dues

DRAFT This is a draft proposal which has not yet been voted on by the committee.

Proposed by Chuck Moulton.

  • Problem: We do not accept dues for multiple years (except life memberships). Getting money in advance is good business.

    Dues payments extend membership from the date of receipt, which means a member who renews in July for a membership that expires in January loses 6 months of value. This is not what people expect when they pay their dues early.
  • Solution: Allow multi-year memberships and extend unexpired renewals from the old expiration date rather than the date of receipt.
  • Benefits: Better customer service.

Bylaws of the Libertarian Party


  1. “Sustaining member” is any Party member who has given at least $25 to the Party in the prior twelve months paid yearly dues of $25 to the Party for the 12 month window which includes today, or who is a life member. Multi-year payments shall be allowed, for a maximum of 10 years (excluding life memberships). If a renewal payment is received before expiration, the new expiration date shall be extended from the old expiration date (rather than the date of receipt).


  • removed - red, strikethrough
  • added - blue, underline, italic

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