DRAFT This is a draft proposal which has not yet been voted on by the committee.
Proposed by Rich Tomasso.
- Problem: Currently the LNC includes a significant number of members with no portfolio, official responsibility or constituency. That seems a problem for a board of directors. There has also been a perception that the LNC is not as connected with the affiliates and general membership as it should be.
- Solution: Adjust the structure of the LNC by reducing the number of at-large representatives and increasing the number of regional representatives. Also remove some reduntant language from the bylaw.
- Benefits: This will make it easier to form Regions, which in a few cases has been a challenge, especially if the overall party membership declines. It should allow for a greater diversity of opinion on the LNC, and have more committee members in regular contact with affiliates to share news and ideas with the LNC. And we will have fewer LNC members with no official responsibility or portfolio.
Bylaws of the Libertarian Party
The National Committee shall be composed of the following members:
- the officers of the Party;
fivethree members elected at-large by the delegates at a Regular Convention; and -
anyadditional Regional Representative members as specified below:
Any affiliate party with 10% or more of the total national party sustaining membership within affiliate parties (as determined for delegate allocation) shall be entitled to one National Committee representative and one alternate for each 10% of national sustaining membership.One or more affiliate parties may, by mutual consent, band together to form "representative regions," and each such "region" with an aggregate national party sustaining membership of108.25% or more shall be entitled to one National Committee representative and one alternate for each108.25% of national party sustaining membership. "Representative regions" may be formed or dissolved once every two years during a period beginning 90 days before the beginning of and ending on the second day of the National Convention, and notice of new formations or dissolutions must be given in writing to the national Secretary prior to the close of the Convention at which they take place.
Nominations for the at-large members of the National Committee shall be from the floor. The election shall be conducted in the following manner:
Each delegate may cast up to
fivethree votes, but no more than one vote for any one candidate. - Each delegation shall tabulate its total vote, and the delegation chair shall deliver a written total to the Secretary. When all delegations have submitted their votes, the Secretary shall declare the voting closed.
- At this point, an announcement of each delegation's vote total shall be made by delegation chairs in alphabetical order beginning with a randomly selected delegation.
fivethree candidates receiving the highest vote totals shall be declared elected. If a tie vote affecting the outcome of the election occurs, another ballot for the remaining offices shall be held with each delegate allowed to cast as many votes as there are offices to fill.
Each delegate may cast up to
removed -
red, strikethrough - added - blue, underline, italic
I strongly support the idea of eliminating two at-large positions. However, I definitely do not support adding regions. The committee is too large. So, I would not support this proposal as written.