Saturday, February 15, 2014

Proposal #1c: Extend Electronic Mail Ballot Voting to Committees

DRAFT This is a draft proposal which has not yet been voted on by the committee.

Proposed by Aaron Starr and Rich Tomasso.

  • Problem: The bylaws authorize that business of the Libertarian National Committee may be conducted by email ballot. This same mechanism is not available to committees.
  • Solution: Generalize the rule so that it applies to boards and committees.
  • Benefits: This will allow some of the business that currently takes place in person to be handled online.

Bylaws of the Libertarian Party


  1. The National Committee may, without meeting together, transact business by electronic mail. The Secretary shall send out electronic mail ballots on any question submitted by the Chair or cosponsored by at least 1/5 of the members of the Committee. The period for voting on a question shall remain open for ten days, unless all members have cast votes, or have stated an intention to abstain, by electronic mail to the Secretary. Votes from alternate regional representatives will be counted, in accordance with the ranking procedure of the region, only if the regional representative fails to respond to the ballot. The number of votes required for passage of any motion shall be the same as that required during a meeting. The Secretary shall preserve all such votes until the next meeting of the National Committee, at which meeting the Committee shall order the disposition of such votes.

Boards and committees may transact business by electronic mail. The board or committee secretary (or chair in the absence of a secretary) shall send out electronic mail ballots on any question submitted by the chair or cosponsored by at least 1/5 of the members of the board or committee. The period for voting on a question shall remain open for ten days, unless all members have cast votes, or have stated an intention to abstain or be absent during the voting period, by electronic mail to the entire board or committee. The outcome of each motion shall be announced promptly and recorded in the minutes of the next meeting.The number of votes required for passage of any motion shall be the same as that required during a meeting. Motions dispensed through electronic mail ballots satisfy the requirement of giving previous notice.


  • removed - red, strikethrough
  • added - blue, underline, italic

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