DRAFT This is a draft proposal which has not yet been voted on by the committee.
Proposed by Chuck Moulton.
Problem: Any Libertarians Party member may attend and record Libertarian National Committee meetings. They also may access an archive of the LNC Business email list, which includes mail ballots, agendas, and previous notice for motions. However, there is currently no official mechanism for following party business in the form of discussions on the LNC Discuss email list.
Over the last LNC term At-Large member Starchild has forwarded much of the discussion from the LNC Discuss list to a Yahoo Group in the interest of transparency. It would have been far easier to simply make the LNC Discuss list archives public in the same way the LNC Business list archives are public. -
Solution: Harmonize the language with what actually happens (making an archive public rather than letting people subscribe to the email list for the LNC Business list) and extend those archives to include the LNC Discuss list as well.
Note: Privileged and confidential information already is supposed to be conveyed via direct email CCing the LNC attorney or on a conference call in executive session rather than on the LNC Discuss email list. - Benefits: Increases Libertarian National Committee transparency.
Bylaws of the Libertarian Party
The Secretary or a designee shall promptly post notice for each session of the National Committee; any National Committee proposed agendas; and approved minutes of each Convention and open National Committee session to a permanent archive section on the Party’s website. Any person may record the National Committee’s proceedings while in open session, or
subscribe to a read-onlyaccess archives of an email list on which LNC votes are recorded and of an email list on which non-confidential discussions take place.
removed -
red, strikethrough - added - blue, underline, italic
Strongly support.