DRAFT This is a draft proposal which has not yet been voted on by the committee.
Proposed by Aaron Starr.
- Problem: Back in 2004/2005 the National Committee, with a bare majority, first increased dues from $25 to $50, and several months later decreased dues from $50 to $0. The delegates at the 2006 convention responded by setting the dues at $25, not taking into account future debasement of the U.S. Dollar. In hindsight, we believe that this was the wrong solution to a legitimate problem.
- Solution: Return the setting of dues to the National Committee, but only allow changes to be enacted with a super-majority vote. We are also taking this opportunity to clean up the existing language, eliminate redundancy and correct a conflicting provision. For example, counting sustaining membership requirements for delegate apportionment (Article 11.4) and national committee representation (8.2.c), and sustaining membership requirements to hold national party office (7.1 and 8.4) and be our candidate for President (14.2) are addressed elsewhere in the bylaws.
- Benefits:
Bylaws of the Libertarian Party
- No candidate may be nominated for President or Vice-President who is ineligible under the United States Constitution, who has not expressed a willingness to accept the nomination of the Party, who served as a stand-in candidate during the current election cycle, or who is not a sustaining member of the Party. A stand-in is an individual who has agreed to be placed on a state affiliate’s nomination petition prior to the selection of nominees bythe Libertarian Party at Convention.
removed -
red, strikethrough - added - blue, underline, italic
Seems reasonable.